Poetry: Roll the Dice Remix by Sebastian Vice

Roll the Dice Remix

If you do it for fat stacks,
or fame and glory
cut with glitter and gold,
If you do it to fuck hot chicks,
with big tits,
and cocksucker lips,
But if not doing it means death,
if you haven’t eaten for days,
if your eyes are bloodshot,
if it leaves cigarette burns on your soul,
Do It.
If it burns with the flame of a thousand suns,
a siren you can’t ignore,
tormenting your dreams,
soothing your nightmares,
Do it.
If there’s no way out,
then it’s coded in your DNA,
then you didn’t choose it,
it chose you
Do it.
Throw you skin in the long game,
fuck what the critics say
Do it.
Your face may be bloodied and bruised,
your bones broken,
but never shattered,
let the critics scowl and taunt,
from their pristine sidelines,
Do it.
It doesn’t matter if you do it well,
Or how much you fuck up
so long as you show up,
and refuse to give up,
Do it.
Go all the way.
And don’t look back.
And never apologize.
Go. All. The. Way.

Sebastian Vice is the founder of Outcast-Press, an indie publishing company specializing in transgressive fiction and dirty realism. His poetry and short fiction has, or will, appear in Punk Noir Magazine, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Close To The Bone, and the anthology In Filth It Shall Be Found.


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