Poetry: Selections from Nadia Khalil

Hunger in My Heart

I could not describe the pangs that
hammer the walls of my heart
because if I did you’d tell me
to appreciate life more

Instead, I bite the insides
of my mouth to restrict the sound
that roars to be let out in the open

I often sleep with a belly full
of echoes and mantras that I have
no room to store oxygen

Left to hyperventilate I was content
with Gods gift to mankind — a heart
that’s been sliced into thin pieces

Although I swallow back my tears
and chug chug chug on a glass full
of water to refrain from shattering,

I can’t constantly keep these words
and satiate the beast that’s roaring
to munch on the vessels of my heart.


Fear is the cactus that pierces my skin
as I hold onto things I couldn’t bear to say

Drip drip until the last drop draws a heart
whose beats are swallowed by the echo of silence

I’d rather keep a mouthful of words and live
through doubts than to purge them and die

Because I believe words are the Valyrian Steel
that stabs the hearts of pessimistic egoists

Nadia Khalil is a graduate of Political Science and International Relations. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Sudan and a Master’s degree in Cyprus. She dabbles in poetry ranging from pain and loss to love. Her work has appeared in Ninshar Arts and Fiery Scribe Review


  1. It touches the chords of the heart and leaves a trail in its wake. A beautiful expression of innermost feeling lumped up in few words.

  2. Powerful and gentle at the same time. You speak for many...


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