Poetry: Yub Nub, Motherfuckers by Andre F. Peltier

Yub Nub, Motherfuckers

The 1983 Sears Wish Book
arrived before Thanksgiving,
and we poured over
those pages
afternoons after school.
Attempting to assist my parents,
I circled the items
I needed most:
Every item in
the entire toy section.
Castle Grayskull, The USS Flagg,
BA’s sweet windowless black van
with the red stripe
and swivel seats for
Face and Murdock.
Always at the ready
with their rifles
and their improvisation,
Hannibal loved it when
a plan came
I would have settled for
the Smurf Magic Talk Playset,
or Strawberry Shortcake’s
Berry Bake Shoppe,
but the Star Wars section
was the section of true glory.
TIE-Fighters, X-Wings, Snow-Speeders,
the Jawa’s Sandcrawler…
I wanted them all,
yet The Ewok Village Action Playset
was the real prize.
If only I’d been more specific
in my circling.
If only I’d been clear
with my parents.
If only I’d said,
“This is what I want.
Fuck all that other shit.
The Ewok Village
is my Holy Fucking Grail.
I want to live in the trees like
Wicket, Teebo,
and Logray.
I want to drop boulders on
Imperial AT-ST walkers.
I want to destroy the backdoor entrance
to the shield generator bunker.
I want to soar on a Sky-Glider
like Princess Kneesaa
to defeat the dreaded Gorax.
I want The Star Wars Ewok Village,
God damnit!”  
Then, maybe,
just maybe,
those ancient youthful days
would have been as golden
as the Ewok’s android God.
Then, maybe,
just maybe,
I could have raised my head
to the heavens
and shouted,
“Yub Nub, motherfuckers!
Yub Nub!”

Andre F. Peltier (he/him) is a Pushcart Nominee and a Lecturer III at Eastern Michigan University where he teaches literature and writing. He lives in Ypsilanti, MI, with his wife and children. His poetry has recently appeared in various publications like CP Quarterly, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Provenance Journal, Lavender and Lime Review, About Place, Novus Review, Fiery Scribe, and Fahmidan Journal, and most recently in Magpie Literary Journal, Cajun Mutt Press, and Idle Ink. In his free time, he obsesses over soccer and comic books. His chapbook Poplandia is forthcoming from Alien Buddha Press. 


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