New from Anxiety Press: Five Without Honour

Anxiety Press is pleased to announce the release of: Five Without Honour

“…he knew no other pleasure but what consisted in opposition.” ― James Hogg, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Featuring stories from: 
Christopher Young
Graham Rae
R.G. Robertson
Callum McSorley
Andrew Coulthard


"Five writers who have traversed the Scottish landscape in relative anonymity finally approach the swire at the head of the dell, their works collected here for all to see. Prepare to be struck motionless."
— Chris Kelso, author of The Black Dog Eats the City

“Scotland is a country full of stories and I couldn’t live anywhere else. We tell stories every day on buses, trains, and cars. Stories come before and after the New Year bells. They bring different communities closer together. Even the walk we take for a pint of milk or a packet of cigarettes has a story to be told. It’s part of our culture, something deeper than DNA. I’ve been to funerals where stories have left the mourners in tears and laughter, as we talk our way out of grief into joy. Each word that makes up every sentence of all the paragraphs in this book is pure Scotland, full of myths of modern living. No story is the same as the other, each tale a trip taking you to all the different places our country has to offer, new worlds close to home. These stories will burn themselves into your brain. I hope you enjoy the feeling.”
 — Kirkland Ciccone, author of Happiness is Wasted on Me


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