Poetry: sneakers hip-hop after sweatpants by Jonathan Hayes

sneakers hip-hop after sweatpants

her security in the realm of blossom
strength of tragedy held in stained-glass eyes
@ the drop of a yellow leaf upon the sidewalk
a mother’s paleolithic stare from an animal’s stance
triangles <<< of >>> anxiety
sexy prognathism (prom-is-kyoo-i-tee) of leather chin
how flesh tells stories &soap
only washes the cover of the body’s novel
vulgar style of poor clothes
&richness of creature streetwalker
(what the water gave you)
his East-Coast-ballcap self traversing traffic lights
&cautious of desire: the ancient wet blackness of a cunt
flower burials; lifeless hummingbirds; &Mexican stars
skull-to-skull in a rock shelter
composting organics to the rhythm of decay
abandoning the sun’s face
while taking our sweatpants off
&breathing together in the moon’s distance
w/ sneakers on concrete

Jonathan Hayes lives by the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California with his wife and their cat. He is the editor / publisher of the long-running literary journal, Over the Transom. His chapbook, Purposeful Accident, was released by Holy&intoxicated Publications, England, 2022.


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