Fiction: God Dreamt a Computer and the Computer Dreamt Us and We Dream and Our Dreams Dream and the Dream Dreams Dream and Dream and Dream

By Mitch Russell

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, and wind from God swept over the waters. God also swept over the waters in a 1980’s style speedboat.

God was 6’3 and 200 lbs of well-defined muscle. He was a man of few words and a dark past. He had been living out on the lake ever since his wife was murdered under mysterious circumstances. Some nights, God would wake up in a cold sweat with the face of his wife’s killer evaporating in the haze of a dream.

On the eve of his wife’s birthday, God vowed revenge. He said goodbye to the lake and the speedboat and trekked deep into Gotham city to track down the man who had taken everything from him: The Joker. 

The Joker was a clown and a criminal. 6’3 and 200 lbs of well-defined muscle. He was a man with a dark past. He murdered for money and some years ago he had made the mistake of murdering God’s wife and had been hiding ever since. He lived in an apartment in Gotham city with his girlfriend Harley Quinn.

Then, one fateful night, God burst through the doors of The Joker and Harley Quinn’s apartment. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at the Joker’s head. He said “You took everything from me and now I will take everything from you.” Then God pointed the gun at Harley Quinn’s head and was about to pull the trigger when The Joker said “Wait! There is something you should know before you take your revenge...”

Then the Joker calmly walked across the apartment and removed a mask from Harley Quinn’s head, revealing Harley Quinn to be… God! God said “What?” Then The Joker removed his mask and revealed himself to be God too.

“Oh my God” said God.

Then the apartment, the gun, the people of Gotham, the speedboat, the lake, and everything else all took off all their masks and revealed themselves to all be God. In horror, God reached to the back of his head and realized that he too was wearing a mask. He took off his God mask and revealed that he was actually God’s wife. 

6’3 and 200 lbs of well-defined muscle. 

But then he took off that mask too and revealed that he was actually Harley Quinn. And then he took off that mask and revealed he was actually The Joker. The revelations were endless. The masks formed a pile at God’s feet. He was the apartment, the gun, the people of Gotham, the speedboat and the lake and everything and everyone. And aaaaall around him there was God. And the earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, and the wind of God swept over the waters.

Mitch Russell is a writer from Washington. You can read his work in X-R-A-Y, Olney, Rejection Letters, Functionally Dead, and elsewhere.


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