Jouissance and I!

Queering Michel Foucault
By G.R. Tomaini (2023)
Oh My Darling Undergraduate —
Star Of Gender Studies 101 —
What Asinine Words Departed . . .
Thine Lips , Just Then ! Oh , To Be . . .
A Young , Controversial Fool :
To Be One Of The Illiterati , Indeed !
Tis Impossible , To Start : Foucault . . .
Could Not Be Any More Queer  —
Gasp ! Your Rejoinder Strikes True :
Perhaps We Shall Grant You This :
That The Towering Dogen Of Theory . . . 
Could Improve In But One Respect :
Here It Is , Listen Up , Kiddos : 

G.R. Tomaini is a First-Generation LGBTQ Federal McNair Scholar and author of ten books who recently graduated from Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan; thus far, seven works of his have been published across six volumes. He has written seven books of Poetry and one Philosophical Encyclopedia that functions as a Critique of the Western Philosophical Canon. His Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy arguably contains within its pages the United States's first Philosophical System ever written on the continent, in the style of the Western Tradition. Additionally, his Master's Thesis, the Tractatus Perfectio-Philosophicus: Or, Discourses On The Dharma of Civilization And Its Odyssey Toward International Harmony is forthcoming from Manticore Press in Australia; his fifth book of poetry, The Psalms of Babylon: Or, 112 Flowers Of Malaise was published by Indigo Dragon Press in Australia.


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