Poetry: she by John Yamrus


was not 
your typical 
girl next door. 
to begin with, 
she had a name 
that sounded like 
a bottle of cheap perfume. 
she did have 
the knack of knowing things,
the most 
important of which 
is that nearly everything 
in her life started with an ending. 
not this. 
she knew 
this was her chance...
a door 
that would 
not stay open long. 
was now, 

John Yamrus’s career spans more than 50 years as a working writer. He has published 35 books (29 volumes of poetry, 2 novels, 3 volumes of non-fiction and a children’s book). He has also had nearly 3,000 poems published in magazines and anthologies around the world. A book of his selected poems was just released in Albania, translated into that language by Fadil Bajraj, who is best known for his translations of Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Bukowski, Ginsberg, Pound and others. A number of Yamrus’s books and poems are taught in college and university courses. His most recent book is Selected Poems: The Directors (Concrete Mist Press)


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