Poetry: Selections from Dan Provost

Isolation Without Jimi

search for enlightenment glows
down into a truck-stop
Confusing, trying to salvage
a former self; a longing to be
understood & loved...
A diamond cracks into dirty dust.
Trying to detail another
Bourbon secret.
Winter steps in--Jimi's bluster
offers a short jab to the side
of my face.
Car breaking down...Just two miles
from the woody shanty, where
I was prepared to start my old man isolation.

Remembered a crying
mother, kneeling in the
Screams of anguish and fear,
trying to console a
world of hurt:
“We were the ones
       who wept over children—”
She muttered.
Demons kept marching.
Not listening.

With Apologies to the Son of God
Braids of
blood seep
out of my
thorny crown,
placed on my head
at the discretion of death—
I found
only I—had
the nerve to clamp
this royal salute, while
I breathed in
then out
Then was told by
no one in particular,
my pain of living
is somehow, subversive.

Dan Provost’s poetry has been published both online and in print since 1993. He is the author of 17 books/chapbooks. Finding Pessoa was released in October 2023 by Alien Buddha Press. Dan also has a collection of poems, All in a Pretty Little Row, published by Roadside Press which debuted in November 2023. His work has been nominated for The Best of the Net three times and has read his poetry throughout the United States. He lives in Keene, New Hampshire with his wife Laura, and dog Bella. 


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