Poetry: Selections from Frankie Beans


Choke me with your vibrant tongue,
your lusty chops wrapped 
around my circumference.
Goddamnit you are my desire, 
and I am a lonely wilting serpent, 
shedding tears from my skin torn anew daily,.
Flicking our tongues together, 
heat sensors blooming like hot diamonds, 
ecstatic moans finishing with the cry of my 
breath leaving it's resting place in the bottom
of my lungs. 
It hurts, oh god it hurts me more than it hurts you,
but just enough life is left to germ itself
into a withering Spring, which will sprung again
and again, as long as I want it to. 

My Queer Pagan Love God

Your antlers become the goring 
of my death, and you stand there like 
a pagan god, erect.
I am too, then prostrate with myself between 
my thighs, so sincere and evident in my becoming. 
Those hidden desires, malfunctioning wires or something
completely wanted by my being?
My ghost trapped in a good boy shell, fucking hell, 
I want fire. I want your mass inside me, God lover king, 
I want you pure phosphoric, meteroric, completely.
I want your altar to be my tomb, I want to annihilate me. 
Your seed imbedded into my loam, my corn husk, 
some new crop we've never seen will rise from it.
My flesh is a temple of piss and I need a mop 
to make it clean for you. If only I could be worthy
of your ivy like sprawling, muscle sinew twining, 
upon my stone bed, my desecrated flesh, yours forever. 
It'll smell like the earth, much better than the spent spunk
on my bedsheets that accuse me of never doing anything 
with my life that means a damn.

Jerking Off With Razors On My Mind

Not the blades, but the scooters,
fuck me the 2000’s were a good time, 
when you’d flip that bitch around after doing 12 mph
down your driveway and hit your ankle, 
that’s where I learned how pain can be pleasure
if you know how to twist it, bop it, squeeze it just so. 
My childhood, a sham, 
yours too probably, 
but in the middle we learned how to cum
til our senses made no sense 
and our licking of the dried spooge 
off our carpenter jeans like a cat 
confused for fish meat, 
how that made sense 
in a manic way. 
A sad, sad little man, 
we’ve become now that we can’t work 
and can’t blow our brains out out of fear, 
out of love, pure phosphorescent love
for someone that can’t comprehend the madness
behind my eyelids, the pin point light fuses 
that they hide are like tractor beams 
and I’m the cattle being mutilated. 


I was alone a lot as a teen.
But at least I learned that Halibut 
is a battery for hot pulsating attraction
for me in my Pisces era, 
my merman dreams making m
(where the zipper lays). 
I was on acid and I visited a fish market,
the poor fucks on ice, them screaming 
in silence all over me, flopping at my ears, 
“You ever fuck a fish?” 
Well, no, but now I’ve got to, right?
“You ever fuck a fish?”
Please leave me alone, 
“You ever fuck a fish?”
Just when you think fish don’t have teeth, 
they do, it’s some sort of sandpaper for your pleasure. 
Best part is, 
The little beady marbles of eyes
staring there, waiting to take you on, 
all five inches of your estrogen stunted girth,
a fat kid with no hope of ever getting laid otherwise, 
unless he turns gay and pimps his ass on Craigslist. 
Later on in life
I had a girlfriend that wouldn’t move during sex. 
I don’t remember her name
but I think it rhymed with Halibut.

Frankie Beans was born in 1994 in Albany, Georgia, USA. Formerly, he's worked as an arcade attendant, pizza delivery boy, home health worker, and research assistant in a mycology lab. He is currently an amateur ethnographer embedded in the death rattle of the American Dream.


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