Poetry: Selections from John Tustin

I cannot melt my troubles in the rain
As if they’re shit left in the grass
By the neighbor’s goddamn dog
But I can watch the rain from my porch –
Its vertical sheets cascading before my eyes;
Its puddles forming in the pockmarks in the street.
I cannot melt my troubles in the rain
But I can see them across the street right now,
Trembling and exposed in their raincoats and fedoras,
Waiting for the rain to cease
So they can once again stroll across fresh beams of sun,
Knock on my door and put their bony cold fingers
Upon my shoulders once again.

The sun came into the room dusty
because the slats of the blinds were coated in dust.
You could see the particles floating in the light
that beamed in little narrow shafts onto the bed
where I was waking up.
Me –
with too much hair, nose and belly
but not enough of almost anything else.
I’ll let you guess what the room looked like.
To people who are kind-minded – it looked worse than you think
and to the rest of you I must say it didn’t look as bad as you probably believe.
I turned over and groaned. 
I closed my eyes again.
I had nowhere to go and nothing to do.
I tried but couldn’t sleep anymore so I got out of bed and made the coffee.
I drank the coffee.
It didn’t taste bad or good
and the sun came in and cast a pall of yellow
over another Monday morning covered in dust.
The morning became afternoon
and when the night arrived I got back into bed,
turning over and groaning,
knowing in a few hours there would be new dusty little narrow
shafts of light
and the coffee wouldn’t taste bad or good. 

I closed my eyes
and tried to paint some nudes
of a couple of lady acquaintances 
I hadn’t seen in a while
on the walls of my mind,
never seeing them nude
so not being able to do it from memory
and it turns out
they all looked better with their clothes on
after all,
so I rinsed out the paintbrush
that lingers in my mind
and began to wonder
about something else for a while.

That little squiggle of disappointment
when you wipe
and there is no shit on the paper
or no gunk in the dental floss;
no earwax on the end of the cotton
as if it’s uninteresting
or a waste of time
when we check something
that, in the moment,
didn’t need our attention.
No wonder we fiddle with our lives
the way the finger can’t help
poking into the open wound
to make sure everything still hurts.

Never trust anyone. 
Never give anyone your heart. 
Empty your heart of all but the most basic caring.
Do not listen to the voice that tells you
that love is possible.
No, listen to static instead.
Love everyone, but love no one
in such a way that they can use your love
to control you, usurp you or demolish you.
Feel nothing unless you are using 
your hands to do so.
Shave your head. Quit all clubs you have joined.
Withdraw from the world
but look like you belong. 
Live as far from others as you can:
in body, in mind.
The letter she wrote to you – it was lies.
The pictures she took for you – everyone has seen them.
The love she claims to have delivered –
check the canceled stamps and see
how many times that letter has traveled around the world and back
before reaching you.
Free your mind of yearning. Do not strive.
When you wish for something,
that is when you cannot move forward.
You will remain in neutral. Glued into place.
Do not love her like that.
Do not love anyone like that.
Wish them well, help them
to carry their load
but do not own their burdens.
Do not believe the light you see in anyone
is pure or good or even a light at all.
Fire warms and fire burns. 
Fire tricks you.
Beware the ones who cover their bodies
in scars of their own volition, 
who bare their bodies in a crowded room.
Their hearts are secrets, lies, discreet betrayal;
a hushed rebellion against your love.
Think about your own heart:
look into the darkness of it. 
Look inside and know that most of us
inhabit a similar sinisterness of soul.
Get drunk. Listen to songs of death and longing
until it’s all pissed out
or you are ready to pass out.
Be neither kind nor wicked in your mind.
Be practical. 
Take off all of your clothes and sleep
beneath the ceiling fan,
feel it spin above 
with the shades shut so tight
and the sheet shut so tight around you.
Be alone.
Stop wanting it because it is not real.
Open the book of your heart and tear out
the pages that so earnestly promise you
that being loved completely is possible
and that there is someone out there
who will be true to you.
No one,
no one
is your missing piece. No one.
No, we are all broken
and our cracks are mostly irreparable.
Be your broken self, 
heal where you can,
do it alone
in the comfort of the dark.
Now go to sleep, drunk and
Hold yourself tightly
because you are all that you have,
as little as that is.
You and only you,
like it or don’t like it.
That is reality.
I lie to you all the time
but this is too important.
It’s the truth.
I promise.

John Tustin’s poetry has appeared in many disparate literary journals since 2009. His first poetry collection, Written Under Duress, from Cajun Mutt Press is now available. 


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