From The Editor

Dear A Thin Slice of Anxiety Readers,

We hope this letter finds you in the clutches of a book so raw it leaves your soul scraped and bleeding (and hopefully that's an Anxiety Press book). Today, we bid farewell to our former Reviews Editor, Nadia Bruce-Rawlings, who had to step down due to the relentless grind of time constraints.

Life's a cruel mistress, and she sometimes forces the best of us to abandon our post in search of a breath or two. We owe her a hell of a lot, and her absence will be felt in the jagged edges of every page.

But despair not, for we've got a new firebrand stepping into the fray. Jack Moody, a name synonymous with razor-sharp insights and unflinching honesty, is taking up the mantle. 

Jack’s got the grit and the guts to dive headfirst into the cesspool of contemporary literature, pulling out the gems and tossing aside the refuse without a second thought.

Here’s to a new chapter, with Jack at the helm, keeping the spirit of unfiltered truth alive and kicking.

Yours in chaos,

Cody Sexton

Managing Editor/Founder/Creator


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