Poetry: Selections from Bradford Middleton

“It’s all a hoax” some ginger crackhead told 
Me from his un-masked mouth, emphasising
The ‘ax’ to leave droll sliding down the
Plastic defence for those of us on the check-outs
And I just knew; I had to stand back and bite
My tongue as the week before my Dad had 
Passed of something this conspiracy addled 
Nut was convinced didn’t even exist and 
I got to say it got me thinking.
It got me thinking, here’s another from, just
About, my generation, a generation now in
Our late 40s, early 50s, convincing himself
That nothing has changed and life can still
Best be lived behind a wall of drunken fun,
Of complete intoxication no matter how many
Die because to their mind life just ain’t worth
Living without their usual bad habits and that
Sounds a little bit like mine but yet everywhere
I go and I, at least, try and do the decent thing;
Mask up, sanitize hands as I know this virus
Don’t seem to care about anything except
Whether you’re poor.
But some will think they can just fight it,
“I served two years in Afghanistan” some
Cunt announced whilst I was re-acquanting
Myself with old habits just the other day
As if shooting unarmed innocent kids is like
Fighting a virus wanting to suck every ounce
Of life from you.

There were times in my youth when I
Would fall in love at the drop of a beat,
Before any clue to what she was really
Like, but I guess being young & hormonal
Had me turned on for all kinds of fun;
Mad, immoral but fun 
BUT then one night I met one & this 
Time the love felt real even if we were
High, higher than I’d ever been as she’d
Sparked the madness that still rules
Today, and it felt good until she left
For a dealer of something that I was
Certain meant death.  Then came 
Another & she got me good but then
She moved on & I sat bored, frustrated
At the state of my so-called love life, until
One last one came along, broke my heart
& left me wanting nothing more to do
With the whole god-damn charade cos
There’s only one way it’ll ever end &
It spells nothing but M-I-S-E-R-Y!

It was deep into the heart of
Just another Saturday night when
I walked in an old bar i used to
Frequent.  I recognised both
The bar-staff but neither the
People i was with knew anyone
And our smoking hadn’t helped
With any of our memories.  A
Large one had been smoked
As we walked up the street
Towards its entrance.
‘Come on,’ i implore to my two
Drinking companions, one
Non-participant, ‘we’ll go in
As i walk to the bar, desperate
For a beer and something
A hell of a lot stronger, i see
Flo, a girl from the bar up
The road, i know and she
Smiles and sorts me out with
A rare cheap drink.
‘I’m here every Saturday
Night’ she tells me as I see
A new place to go.  But
Then it happens, the damn
Impossible.  The dreadlocked
Performance poet who also
Works there getting his
Knickers in a twist just cos
Someone is holding.  All
This from a man who took
His stage name from what
Exactly it is we’d just been
A couple of days later i see
Some faces i know who
Drink in that bar.
‘He don’t like people getting
Drunk,’ they tell me and
No food unless its from the
Expensive restaurant over
The road and all i can think
Is what a damn mess.

I've been ill and I been
Away, away fearing death
from the confines of my 
glorious glorious bed with
occasional visits to see my
god-damn dentist and my
paranoid doctor who've
told me, just like so many
times before.
You can't carry on like this
Give this up & give that up 
& you'll live a little bit longer
but when I look at them I 
always just think, why should
I damn well bother, the point
of living, prolonging this nightmare 
any longer than I really need
But this time I survived more
for my mum and my burgeoning
literary reputation as a hard-man
in a town where even I'll
cross the road to avoid some as they
stalk their madness through these
streets just like Iggy searching
for his death-obsessed fix but
yet he lives on & I do too.

This writing life is a gamble
If you play it right, play it mean
With everyone, including yourself,
To just get the words down.  They’ll
Often be misunderstood which can cause
Ructions and fall-outs but, if they’re 
Cool they’ll come back around again
Once they realise it weren’t about them,
But then there’s all the hours you
Need to spend working on the words
Missing out on seeing friends all in a bid
To stay sane getting the word out there.
If you play the writing game right it 
Can lead to all manner of delights but
Of course there will always be the demons
Who come biting at you too but in the
Long run if you’re doing it right it’ll
Work out as at least come deaths end
You won’t have completely lost your 
Mind and have something to show for
A life that was always meant to be lost
With nothing to remember it by.
So i’ll keep on writing, the words hopefully
They’ll keep on coming and maybe in 20, who knows
30 years hence they’ll be something worth
Remembering of this life beyond lost friends
Lost to the word
Lost to this life as the poems
Pile high, the stories keep
Coming and at some point
That goddamn second novel.

Bradford Middleton lives in Brighton on England’s south coast. Recent poems have featured in The Good Press’ The PaperBack Room Poetry ‘Rebel’ anthology, Horror Sleaze Trash, Dreich, Mad Swirl and, of course, right here at A Thin Slice of Anxiety. His most recent chapbook ‘The Whiskey Stings Good Tonight’ was published March ‘23 by the mighty fine Alien Buddha Press.


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