Poetry: Selections from Daria P.


i was cutting potatoes for dinner, listening to david bowie
minutes ago i cut my fingers with the vinyl sleeve
the punishment for music past 11 pm

for someone who used to leave tally marks on their skin
i have surprisingly bad knife skills
and low pain tolerance
my arms and thighs have turned to sandpaper
but damn,
papercuts still hurt

as the needle slips into the runout groove,
i keep thinking of love is lost as a good theme song
for a spy romance flick, not based on our story:
our love is found and we're bad at disguises

i might forget your name before my head is silver
but i choose the next day
and the next
and another day

even if it means more papercuts

Daria P. is an aspiring poet born and raised in a small town in Siberia. By spring 2024, they have contributed to Tap into Poetry, Occulum, and BOMBFIRE. Their works tend to be minimalist, focused on storytelling, and inspired by mundane situations.


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