Poetry: Selections from Leigh Doughty

The Waitress
Big businessmen with bland faces
talk earnestly about KPIs, 
reverently, like bible
thumping lunatics
would talk of scriptures.
While the big businessmen
with bland faces talked over numbers,
a waitress appeared, 
hair eschew, apron tied tightly,
whos salary sadly earned monthly
less, much less than
the cost of the 
big businessmen’s suits.
They would tell her how to 
make their eggs and their steak.
She would keenly listen 
to the bland men
in their big business suits
in the slightest hope 
that maybe if just
a few planets would align 
then the proverbial
pennies of 
big businessmen would 
finally begin
to trickle down.

The nature of man
the man who sees himself 
in the ditch.
filthy, desolate, empty.
a perpetual chasm of destruction. 
the source of life's tears.
roaming then writhing
despairing deeply at
his horrendous nature.

Alternative ways we say depression
1. silent despair
2. i’m just tired
3. exceptional apathy
4. a bit blue
5. continuously tormented 
6. black dog
7. complete darkness 
8. a hungry abyss, too apathetic to eat
9. drowning without swimming
10. fine
11. like the deepest form of isolation
12. pretty great today
13. a boulder the my chest
14. being home without a home
15. exhausted to the bones

Leigh Doughty is a writer and a language tutor based in Saigon, Vietnam. His previously published work is in the VNexpress, the Nuthatch, and the Subliminal Surgery


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