Poetry: Selections from Talia Borochaner

The Curse

I am a witch trapped 
in a mountain of ice
Caged in cold I thrash, gnash
my molars, grind into gums 
my voice is hoarse from screaming
but I can only speak in tropes
I am a princess 
disguised in a bear suit
dancing for court, swishing my fluffy tail
and soft leathery paws
sheathing my claws and smiles
close lipped, covering my
pointed Teeth 
My sparkling gowns are hidden
in walnut shells 
I am locked arm in arm with sisters
and our toes are bruised and blistered
from secret midnight rendezvous 
I came from cottages in the woods
lost siblings, little fawns
My mother was the sun
I swayed in her beams, sheltered in light
blessed with celestial powers coveted by weak, sniveling suitors
I cannot be killed only silenced
and if you must
then swing your sword swiftly 
and sever my head softly
tumbling from my shoulders
my red rose lips quiet 
- finally -
But beneath my black dull eyes
a grin, frozen
in rigor mortis
to haunt your dreams and all future
grave robbers
Call it my revenge -  delicious -
A dessert for my daughters
my ladies In waiting, biding their  time, writing clever tricks while I rot
flesh to dust
Bury my bones with the women
who came before me - all Queens -
fingers drenched, pruned with poison, forced to kill and conquer. 

Falling Endlessly
I saw a rusted car ( a shell really or maybe a skeleton?)
Along the train tracks of Playwicki Park. I remember wondering-
how did it get here? The tracks were up high. So high that when you
walked too close to the edge you worried. You worried about tumbling 
to the  dusty, pebbled, ground. You worried of bones 
smashing, blood vessels bursting, your skull cracking 
wide open like a black hole yawning 
in space. For a moment your breath 
would catch in your throat, heart pumping as you teetered. Maybe 
you could feel last night’s pasta swimming 
in your gut (Did you chew it up enough?). For a moment 
you felt suspended in space. Like when you 
wake up from a dream too quickly
and you cannot breathe. And you feel as if you are falling endlessly.
I wondered if the car fell endlessly. Until 
it landed. Here. 
On the train tracks. 

A Little Something For the Road
It needs to be cutting edge
he said
Different, unique
So I made sure to write “Fuck” a few times
I thought about graphically describing my period
How’s that for new?
Do you want to know how it feels when my body sheds
from inside out? The slow slide of my bloody eggs
slipping from my thighs?
No? no?
That is too much, too graphic, Frankly, it’s uncomfortable
Back to the drawing board. You’ll know it when you see it, right?
Okay, I got it. How about the early dawn, when I held my daughter in my arms?
I was tired and shaking. I had crashed and they brought me back, I was ripped and stitched
I was horrified and overcome with joy
I was sc- No?
Not that either?
It’s cliche. It’s mundane. Minus the stitches it could be a hallmark card.
Okay, okay.
How about my living room? Toys scattered, dog slumbering, I’m folding the laundry
watching TV. Volume down low. Subtitles on 
as the pathologist reports on the levels of arsenic in his system. 
I bet she slipped it in his coffee every morning before work.
I bet she lined his cup, packed lunch, love note, 
complete with snacks.
You’re awfully quiet. Do you think this might be the one?
I hope so. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat before you go? 
Just a little something for the road?

Talia Borochaner is an educator and writer in the greater Philadelphia region. Her work has been previously published in OVUNQUE SIAMO.


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