Poetry: Selections from Tom Stocky

not intended for publication



she was about 19

had lycra shorts and blonde hair

and looked new to it all

she asked for a book called the kite runner

and i asked for anything by henry miller

they didn't have him, but they had the kite runner.

we had both found something

but i carried on looking anyway

at her but not at her

the cold had kissed her legs

and the sun her hair

i don’t know what the kite runner is about

and probably never will again

i feel the animal part  



staring at the flesh, tight sucking flesh,

shame has been fucked out with and cum on and sweated

into strangeness and 



waiting looking dead but alive and well, 

all winter no sun,

the pools and the chocolate ice cream 

and plastic panties, pink and tide 

at the side of hip. 

weights the arms and slowing down to stop. 

the mind on but dull on idle,

basic mode. 

no joy here, comeback later or when you have something  

for me mother fucker. 


american dream, what about the british dream, 

go back a few dreams to the coal mines and the hard ally boys,

the smog and the incest,

bring out the creatures that 

have been hidden away 

behind big thick victorian stone

and crawl up to white hall, 

burning them with uglyness


i have had these sore all my life 

i went to the doctor when i was 8 and he said he couldn’t help

30 years later a new doctor said he could

if i were to soak them in nitrates 

they would dissolve

or was that a dream to


when the blood becomes too thick

he said  

it’ll make it through the chambers


then S T O P and they’ll call you No 128463

in the cold boxes of the basement

to get there, you need a key, only the privialged 

have; to be the furthest away from death, or so they think

and the birds fly into the rafters to make their nest.


stuck there too much behind 

to move

the mind ceases up, gone 

arms become not your own

the brain fires

long late shots

hoping it will hit something


hopefully warm

between legs


it produces the hope it fails  

cunt on screen

covers for the blind 

so we don’t have to see the gaps in the skull

at christmas time

when dad carves up the meat


got to start looking for a new job in the 

new year

Tom Stocky is a poet from Devon in the UK and has been published in Punk Noir, Bristol Noir and A Thin Slice of Anxiety.


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