Books To Bury Me With: James Nulick

The book I’d want to take with me to the grave:
The Holy Bible, New Catholic Edition

The first book that hit me like a ton of bricks:
One Hundred Years of Solitude By Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

The book that shook my world like a goddamn hurricane:
The Book of Sand By Jorge Luis Borges 

The book I’d shove into everyone’s hands if I were king of the world:
Love Medicine By Louise Erdrich 

The book that nearly drove me to madness:
The Complete Short Stories By H.P. Lovecraft 

The book I’d hide in the back of my closet, pretending I’m too highbrow for it: 
The Truth About Diamonds By Nicole Richie 

The book that left a scar I wish I could forget:
When the Monster Comes Out of the Closet: Westley Allan Dodd in His Own Words By Lori Steinhorst 

The book that destroyed my faith in humanity:
Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation: Practical and Clinical Perspectives By Vernon J. Geberth 

The author who made me think, "Now that’s a soul in torment":
Dennis Cooper, Marquis de Sade 

The book I’d get a tattoo of if I had the nerve:
7 Tattoos: A Memoir in the Flesh By Peter Trachtenberg 

The book that made me question everything I thought I knew:
The Amok Journal, Sensurround Edition Edited by Stuart Swezey 

The book that’s so damn good I’d never loan it out:
The History of Luminous Motion By Scott Bradfield 

The book that’s been my companion through the darkest nights:
The Holy Bible, New Catholic Edition

The book I’d throw in someone’s face during a heated argument: 
The White Album By Joan Didion 

The book that reminds me of a lost love or regret:
Cuddles the Cow By Anonymous 

The book I wish I could have written, but know I never could: 
Ariel: The Restored Edition By Sylvia Plath 

The book that’s been my refuge from the world’s cruelty:
The Joys of Beekeeping By Richard Taylor


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