From The Editor

Dear Miscreants and Malcontents,

Here’s the thing: we’re all dying, some faster than others, but the real kick in the teeth is we never stop asking the same tired questions on our way out.

The so-called intellectuals love to jerk themselves off with that Proust questionnaire, waxing poetic about their favorite qualities in a man or some other pointless nonsense. But here at A Thin Slice of Anxiety, we’re not interested in what you should say. We want what you’re hiding—the stuff you mumble into a mirror when no one’s around, the regrets you’re too embarrassed to admit even to yourself.

So, we’re launching our own version of this mess and we’re calling it Books to Bury Me With.

Here’s the twist: it’s all about books. No pretentious philosophical babble, no nonsense about your favorite virtue. Just the books that matter most to you—because, let’s face it, the books you choose to keep close say more than any bullshit you spout off to sound smart. 

Call it a piss-stained version of the Proust thing, but with more guts. We’re asking the kind of questions that rattle loose the ghosts of bad decisions and worse habits, through the books that shaped, twisted, or ruined you. The truth stinks, but maybe that’s the point.

We won’t promise enlightenment, but at least you’ll feel a little less like you’re walking through life with your head up your ass.

Yours in chaos,

Cody Sexton

Managing Editor/Founder/Creator


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