Poetry: No Stars by Taryn Allan

No Stars
Spotlit beneath the street-light
She stands exposed within the sodium glare
Staring at the expressionless bulb as though it were some divine presence
Her wavering mouth a crooked parody of a smile
Like a ridged crescent moon
A curved vessel for the buttery-light to fill
Tears stream from her night-blackened eyes
Like wilting stars dripping shimmering dew
From the sky’s once eternal crucible
Just an idea of sadness
She seems to stand for an endless moment, transfixed
The senile heart of the world made flesh
Fear, confusion, ecstatic release
At play across the opioid cartography of her face
The collapsing memory of abuse
Alone, searching
Confused by the amberous city-glow
Standing still, staring deeper
Beyond the angle of the street-light
Into the smothered dark
Wondering why
Why no stars are left in the lambent-blank sky
Just earth-bound echoes
The music of electric spheres
Humming for the lost sidereal
The ambient glow sustains her
For now
Though it is entirely without meaning

Taryn Allan scribbles things into notebooks. Occasionally, those scribblings coalesce and have been known to appear in such places as the Horror Writers Association’s Poetry Showcase, Lycan Valley Press and Horror Sleaze Trash, amongst others.


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