Poetry: Selections from Eric Subpar

You’ll Die From Boredom Going Back in Time
he called me ugly and stupid
and didn't even try to frame it
within a joke
as though my ugliness
and my stupidness
were so apparent
they had no need to be hidden
by the niceties of style

god gave me a tongue
when i do listen to bands
which isn't often
i only listen to musical bands
the music 
that gets me going
is music
and that's a fact
but i have been known to
dabble in art as well.
I've seen some 
and it definitely does 
that's for sure
literature never did it for me
though i've read my fair share
and it was all very legible
wordful, to borrow the Bloomian phrase
without a doubt

Little Richard Died Today
It came in on the red phone.
We, the monks of the ISS, 
watched as an almost imperceptible wisp of light, 
the way smoke shows up in black-and-white movies, 
separated itself from the static ambience of Nashville, 
extended and then crawled northward. 
By midday, 
Pascal mentioned it somewhere near the Great Lakes 
and I put on the B-side to a Deep Purple album
while we prayed. 
As sundown colored all, 
we held our hands aloft 
and witnessed the vapor churn pink 
as it reacted with the electromagnetic spectra 
before cautiously
then joyfully 
converging with the Aurora Borealis.

Eric Subpar is a poet from Washington State, where he lives with his wife and three sons. 


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