Poetry: Greeting The Sun by Jonathan Hayes

Greeting the Sun


With bong rips and beers

In pajamas with Netflix fired up on the screen


A beautiful and loving wife in bed snoring

An annoying cat asking to be fed again, and again…

Along with the neighbor staring into my apartment window


Out in the yard:


The rain has stopped

And the zombie girl eating a severed hand and the ghost 

Hanging from a tree are all soaked wet and dripping 


Cardboard tombstones bleed 

Black magic marker scrawling


I greet the sun to come


4:05 a.m.

And counting


Soon enough, maybe a beer or two more


I greet the sun, because


As small as I am in the universe 

I’m still attracted to warmth


And the house waking up


Halloween Morning October 31st, 2024

Jonathan Hayes lives in Oakland, California.



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