Creative Nonfiction: Fuck My Feels
By Charlotte Mazzei
existential crisis, suicide, extinction talk, ED, dysphoria, egodeath, light
gore, body horror]
can’t be here, for nostalgia provides such an unearned catharsis; intoxicating
reminiscence snuffs the present of its enthralling wiles. My neuron pathways
chain the present self to dissatisfaction, overwhelming disgust that I
let the flight of bygone times pass impersonally. I’m drowning in dead faces,
despairing and revolting the present, even as now trumps all that was by
astronomical factors.
hedonic feedback loops really the highest good, when hygiene and intimacy with
one’s own flesh slips into obstacle for optical dopamine? We’re fattened and
softened by the infinite treat button of an unfettered, self-replicating
network. Community appears absent under suffocatingly large scale. Intangible
quantities of souls fill bellies and hearts, lurch the soul with their
aspirations and nostalgias.
in constant pursuit of other people’s childhoods after our own dies. Perhaps
the bold move onto the teen years, the young adult years, but the recapturing
of new adolescence is so endless in its scope. Life checkpoints moved into
optical brevity, into accumulation as development, while our pipe-dreams of
real skills are pacified.
brain is encased in fat. New paths aren’t burned, opulent properties are built
on idled cords. The landowners jump ship just as quickly as they ooze
themselves between the wrinkles and folds of our grey matter. We are all so
exhausted, so ready to liquidate volition into noise-currency. Meanwhile, the
privatization of thoughtonomy to the Mouse-olini family of microplastics sweeps
our streets.
incredibly sick, imprisoned in what was and wanting, utterly wanting, to become
what I no longer am or want myself to be. Social barriers from authenticity?
No, I’ve terrified myself into a corner. Fearmongered my noggin into puerile
submission while gawking, blaming the more apparent victims. Fearmongered into
formulaic formlessness, uncharacteristic expression beyond fresh and fickle
flesh that facades my full flora of fervor.
want to puke my flesh off, to pick it off like an insect or a scab, to fade
away like scratched dandruff until my body is a humble floating ocular nervous
system. Let my meat wax-melt into a puddle for the starving to drink from. Turn
me into cutlets so my happy skeleton can watch my succulence become delicious
katsu for the peckish birds.
oppression and servitude to the flesh is the guiding principle of each and
every primate life, no matter the contents of the skull. We gorge, sleep, sip,
slurp, fuck, lust, lurch, love, bleed, heal, piss, shit, leak and succumb. It's
all carnal necessity. There is no choice to disobey without loss of function.
The flesh must be fattened and lubed, loaf to decompress. It’s a constant cycle
of ceaseless maintenance for continued allowance of more menial actions, more
banal consumption until joy becomes stain. No degree of idleness halts the
hunger of form. Sleep unto rot. We endlessly lose consciousness to the
gluttonies and greeds of fleshly inclinations. We obsess over flesh, see only
flesh, are tortured by flesh and suffer by our flesh. Flesh is an agonizing
contradiction, a meat-locker prisoner satiated by pretty lights.
am disgusted with putrefying functions. I wish to discard my organs, please.
How much for a phantom arm? An opaque leg? I wish to be a desexualized miasma
of the senses. Let me spit until my weight is that of helium. Let me burn this
useless oil evolution deemed my blanket. Let it burn in beautiful hues in a
warming lamp. Let me open a gash and find an abundance of spermaceti and warm
wax has mysteriously flooded my gearbox of organs. No more sensory snacks but
lipidical cream-fondling. Let me play with my hot-dog body and form candles
from my innards, put it in a bowl for others to sip like warm chowder. Let it
fall through me. Let all this biomatter I stuff myself with fall through me as
if my innards were ectoplasm. Let my form fall off the bone like a well-cooked
plate of ribs. Rid me of my ape-shaped pigness.
me be floating thoughts; horny, thirsty floating thoughts that fuck each-others
philosophies, that soak humbly in a pristine pearlescent pool. Let me
gracefully slither through the primordial waters I’m barred entry from like a
spectral dolphin; an elastic, electric jellyfish made of steams and vapours.
Liberate my mind from this clockwork heart and sausage-cased puppet, from the
droned-on headaches and stuffy noses. Let it terminate itself into unquestioned
oblivion when it decides it’s done.
not lose the beautiful self to anything but the self. Let love live, let life
exist, not for anything but boundless artistic and sexual passion undetermined
by capital and social pressures. Stimulate the nerves without the domination of
flesh’s loyal fingers.
me with carcinogens. My blood is Red 40, glitter and tar. After the tumours
walk away, I’ll be an aurora borealis of lit-up nerves, twinkling with sensory
delight. Let the nerves float, constantly reconstruct and touch themselves.
Feeling is divine, feeling is sublime. Emotion, the controlled uncontrollable,
beauty through psychological diversity and uniqueness.
is so fucking beautiful, man.
heart is wrought with feels. Let me feel everything all at once. Detach me from
temporality, all the shoves, hormones, stupors and despairs. Bombard me until I
moan extra-temporally, pure feels rippling through the blood until tears spill,
piss trickles and skin creases. A state of perpetual feels, detached from
positivity or negativity when conjoined. Drown me in the glory of life, in
cochleal candies and colour palettes and petite felt, smelt treats, the little
souvenirs of terrible years. Our flesh bars us from hormonal chaos.
form-death is what reigns life’s beast. Self-destruct until you become
unimposed, uncompromised, unboxed. Shed the dead skin cells injecting
pufferfish poisons into your mind. Our evil little quarks and curls are out for
our wants, deciding our desired form. Fuck those guys! Replace them with
berries plump with beauty juice, adorned in sweaters with heart-shaped sleeves.
Love doesn’t have to be so fucking distant. Let love happen. Let connection
feel real and constant. Only from love and chaos stem potent, unbridled feels.
The touching of flesh as I fade into us, carnal selves made carnal self. We’re
all amniotic OJ deep down.
fuck into unity, love into resonance. We rumble in the belly of an acoustic
guitar tickled by the fingers of a skilled auteur. Let my heart hum the notes
of romance. Fuck my feels, not my flesh. Split my cerebral hemispheres with
thine meat-blade. My brain is your warming sheath. Feel the tingle of my
electric kinetics, my static-shock blazed thoughts. Fuck the spectral soul of
intelligence. Love my kinetic matter as it tingles with profound philosophies,
fireflies patterned after argyle mathematics and angular curvatures. Fuck my
reading books on a breezy day. Fuck my long walks through a foggy coastal city.
Fuck my idyllic reveries, my cotton-candy dreams. Feel the nerves tingle with
the pleasure they give me.
my brain until it splits in half, an apple cracked into two, it’s sweet flesh
cool and crisp as you sink your lovely teeth in. Taste the sweetness of my
mind. Rub your tongue through my prickly trench-folds. Swallow my delight as I
shutter down your loving saliva. Feel my emotions creep down your esophagus.
Consume my exuberance like a soft-flesh peach until its wooden pearl comes
brain will sing its final orchestra, soaking up the semen seeded with profound
spermatozoa, with pure sensory luster and intellectual fluorescence. It’s hot
to the touch, steaming. Each wrinkle a sterile neon-basked alleyway flooded
with your milky ooze, exuding carnal and social life within its unobservable
patterns and god-carved ruptures.
back the flesh and witness the cavalcade of sensory-overloaded neurons burning
their pleasures onto CDs, thousands of unlabeled emotions bloom into being and
flick their own fulcrum in an organized dance number. It’s absolute delight,
this uterine warm blanket that our minds are capable of when the spectral self
is unsheathed from our pink paunchy prison of order and wounds.
pray death akin to this fucking. The creamy black-milk of oblivion
inseminates my feels to tuck them in unto sensory sleep. Fuck my dreams with
eternal vanishing. The absolute pleasure of being liberated from all tasks and
desires. All needs met by fate. All those thoughts you’ve built up release
themselves in a resplendent final display of rainbow hues and ribbons. They
perform their swan-song on the stage of ebony fluid, an endless sensory
matter is a sweet, tarry candy. An endless glass of sweetmilk, mouth never
drying by nutty hints of berries and caramel. The tasty sap of death is the
sweetest taste to ever coat your spectral tongue, a life entombed in gustatory
comfort. No more thirst or hunger. I can starve without pain now, swim in the
sweetwater of semiotic ravens. I long to melt away in the ink, spectral body
bathed in paint thinner, a chocolate on my tongue, until bliss blots frets and
fears are not ours. They were unconsensually sowed via relentless barrage by
worrywort talking heads and starving idealists trapped in the frustrating
combat of binary opposition. We are locked out of manifesting Eden and identity
by pastisms, gladiatorials and noise-machines. Dip our moist little marble of
verdures and clouds into the black milk. Let it float through oblivion as it
has before us. Melt our bodies, not to slaughter, but to free us from our
all the bright and loving souls discard the barriers between reverie and
realism. Let the collective hearts pour out into a pheromonal ocean. Let us
play in the adipocere, revel the cthulucene, hug our nerve-haunches and fuck
into an aspen-root of Christmas lights nervous systems. Watch them blink in
self-discoveries that reservations, taboos, contemptions, structures, formulas
and gatekeeping kept us from understanding for thousands of meatbound
splash in the amniotic paint until our shared humanity swirls into the gleaning
aesthetics singularly inconceivable. We’ll be our own constellations, paint the
sky gloriously furiously incandescent, so grossly beautiful that we puke out
emotional outpourings and hormonal secretions. Let us spill out cute chemicals
and aphrodisiacs of adornment. Let’s live, feel and fuck our hearts out in the
warm fluid. We’ll pass between the chaotic forms of dreams, orgasms and
us never know absence or insularity. Let us not desire beyond that for
continuation. Our gaseous, nervous jellyfish will perpetually sting each other
with hedon treats. Our mouths can go silent, our sloppy fat worms no longer
muddling in saliva, forming hedged words that don’t mean what they intend.
They’ll be no “faggot”, “freak”, “weirdo”, “creep”. We’ll understand in good
faith without having to read and be read off our bloated, corpulent writhing
meat-balloons. We’ll speak in tongueless pleasure-languages, passing emotions
like cigarettes through nuanced vibrations in the blackmilk. We’ll fuck instead
of convincing to believe, unbridled by the fears of penetration, of hurting,
scaring, dominating or carnal, rapey desire. We will live in perpetual orgy of
minds, our neuron paths extending each other into the grand thought.
one thought. The Mobius strip of absolute truth constructed from 8 billion
heads worth of sing-song neurons. So beautiful with the song be. A divine buzz
unrestricted by the shape of the throat or the speech patterns we’re damned by.
We will sing in the most beautiful voice imaginable, unshackled from hard-stuck
pitch or tones. No note will be out of our range, no melody too strenuous. And
too will it dance. Not impeded by flailing limbs, not slowed down by overheated
heart or exhaustion. We will dance fervently across dimensions and time, become
space, take the shape of the vibrations of feel, sloppy drunk off libations of
fucking live, let’s fucking laugh, let’s fucking love. Let’s bang and sing and
dance and witness collective beauty. One heart of one human community. Listen
to it beat in perfect synchrony, with the rhythm of the night and the songs of
the sun. Let’s hold tight, have deep conversations and swim in pools of
serotonin and tea.
these phallic obelisks we dance around, fuck these institutions which mold our
flesh like clay to their commodified will, fuck these haze-baked arguments
making depression of love. I just want to feel a pinch of sincerity, to live
without paywalls on every sector of continuance, to work without exploitation,
to care without heartstrings tugged by raping, wrinkled fingers. I want to sing
our song, dance our dance, fuck our thoughts and live our dreams. Just not
theirs. Not “mine”. Unprivatize art, body and dreams.
want to live a free life and die my own death, not serving for ownership of my
oscillating flesh. I just want some good rest, want everyone to dream sweetly,
but we keep traumatizing ourselves into nightmares, keep judging, naming and
scaring the shit out of each other. Is it too much to ask to care in dressing
our own wounds? Stop feeding the news stream, the mainstream and any stream
other than the trickles of Earth and the treacles of love.
toast to life lived on raw volition. It takes guts, guts we’ve had stigmatized.
Our entrails tragically are filled with cowardly worms. They writhe when
threatened or unfed, punish us if we don’t answer their obscure,
self-destructive questions. Let’s cut these worms heads off, guillotine them
into deli meat.
tired. I can’t ask any longer. Let me fuck my feels and be my heart.
Charlotte Mazzeiis an
emerging writer and collection of ink-vomiting meat-cubes.
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