Poetry: Drawing Lessons by Tony Brewer
Draw mommy
& daddy first
so I know
where they stand
He a box
with arms – hers a triangle
above green & white grass
parents arrive
their arms
& mouths open
The school
is another box
broken where the teacher tried
more boxes
more boxes
most are
windows full of more boxes
coffin shapes many sizes
The sirens
blue & red
showed me how they move
Above it
all sun shooting rays
over &
over round after round
Last year
my picture won a contest
this year
it made national news
Now that
I’m older I used to
have an
art teacher
who said I
improve every year
month week day
I still
turn the bullets into bees
up against
the scared
red flowers
Brewer is a poet
and audio artist from Bloomington, Indiana. He is executive director of the
Spoken Word Stage at the 4th Street Festival and co-producer of the Writers
Guild Spoken Word Series and the Urban Deer experimental music series. He has
published 13 books and chapbooks including Good Job, Lightning (Stubborn
Mule Press, 2024) and Water Witch (Pure Sleeze Press, 2025). Tony has
been offering Poetry On Demand at coffeehouses, museums, cemeteries, churches,
bars, and art and music festivals for over a decade, and he is a frequent
collaborator with experimental music & field recording ensemble ORTET.
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