Poetry: Suitcase by Peter Kaczmarczyk



I keep my love in a suitcase

I mean, not literally

What kind of sicko do you think I am

Rather I stuff it full of my emotions

All the feelings I might want to take out and share

At a party or on the street with a stranger

It is better than having them buried

Such repression only brings madness and pain

Burial is what I reserve for my physical love

Though I did place into the suitcase a few of her teeth

I can’t get enough of the rattling sound they make

When there are new people I want to meet

Peter Kaczmarczyk is a lifelong writer who only began to seriously pursue poetry in the last few years. Raised in Massachusetts, Peter’s work has been included in over 60 journals and anthologies and he has published two chapbooks. He is also the co-creator of the Captain Janeway statue in Bloomington, Indiana.





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